First gin drink you ever drank?
Corpse Reviver No. 2 was the first ever gin cocktail I drank. I was always quite wary of gin and never strayed far from rum in my first few years at Uni. I decided I wanted to learn to properly bartend so I sat at a (now) friend’s bar and watched him and the other bartenders work, quizzing them on what they were doing, techniques and so on and this was the first one I asked them to make me to watch how they did things.
First gin cocktail you ever made?
Perfect Lady was my first gin cocktail to make. I’m an absolute sucker for peach and even more so for drinks with egg whites in, to me, they’re some of the best cocktails around. I actually made this as part of a masterclass experience I was bought as a present for my birthday, 6 months later I was behind the stick in one of the best bars in Leeds.
Favourite gin cocktail at 7pm?
Favourite gin cocktail at 7pm has to be a Corpse Reviver No. 2; it’s sharp, zesty and with a heavy absinthe rinse, has you prepared for the night ahead. A boozy classic with a rich history behind it, this is pretty much my go to anywhere, any time.
Favourite gin cocktail at 10pm?
Favourite gin cocktail at 10pm is a tough one, depending on the way the night takes me it changes. A solid favourite of mine however is likely a Martinez with Four Pillars Bloody Shiraz. Sweet, heavy, dulcet on the tongue, it’s classy, tasty and complex. Winner every time.
Favourite bar in the world?
Favourite bar in the world. This is probably Dr. Stravinskys over in Barcelona. A real hidden gem but the quality of the drinks coming out of there are incredible. It’s an awesome setting with a cool, chilled out vibe and bottles of all sorts of home-mades all over. The bartenders there are absolutely class and despite a minor language barrier, the hospitality is amazing. Must visit.