The answer to this is hazy however it was most likely to be gin and orange. Student days required something simple, cheap and (for me anyway) tasty.
First gin cocktail you ever made?When I started behind the bar the world was drinking rum so gin wasn't the most regular mix, hard to believe today. There was cocktail which was, name escapes me, gin, apple, cranberry, lime, elderflower and all served up long. Anyone who’s ridden the MOJO (you know who you are) train, I'm sure can remind me.
Favourite gin cocktail at 7pm?That’s easy, the Negroni. Pre-dinner, you can't go wrong. It Gets a night moving and your stomach rumbling and ready for food. Also, if the bar's worth it's salt and isn't too pretentious, it's gonna be wonderful.
Favourite gin cocktail at 10pm?Corpse Reviver No. 2, preferably with a beer on the side. Fresh citrus gets me dancing and a beer keeps my dignity. Also, there's a million variations and 99% of them are great.
Favourite bar in the world?***Cliché alert*** American Bar at the Savoy. It's elegant, enigmatic, beautiful, and has the best attentive bar team in the world. Incredible drinks too. I challenge anyone to go in and not feel like a millionaire.